Fact or Fiction: The Scoop on ISO Protein
Aug 22, 2018INTRO
With so many fads and myths in the health and fitness world, (anyone remember the dubious shake weight?!) it’s important to not get duped.
Whether you have heard of whey protein isolate (ISO) or not, get the scoop on the “myths” and “facts” of this powerful protein supplement.
1. ISO is higher in protein content.
FACT: Whey isolate protein has more protein in every scoop than whey concentrate (your standard whey supplement.) To be considered an isolate, the content has to be at least 85% protein compared to whey concentrate which has a protein content range of 30%-80%.
2. ISO is “cleaner” or “purer”.
FACT: Whey isolate is purer in the sense that it is created from filtering whey concentrate of most of the non-protein contents. A crude analogy would be: whey concentrate is to a hamburger as whey isolate is to a steak. For ultimate “clean”, make sure the protein powder has been cold-filtered, also known as “cross-flow microfiltration processing.”
3. ISO protein is denatured and therefore upsets the integrity of the protein.
FICTION: Even though the protein is denatured, the amino acid profile is intact. Essentially, the large proteins have been broken down into amino acid sequences. Therefore, the protein is still fully useable and ultra-absorbable.
4. ISO is lower in carbs and fat.
FACT: Because of its pure protein make-up, whey isolate has virtually 0 carbs and fat. That’s right…ZERO! (Good news for those of us who are watching our carb or fat intake!!)
5. ISO is lower in lactose
FACT: Compared to whey concentrate which contains substantial amounts of lactose, the filtration that takes place to create whey isolate protein purifies the protein from virtually all traces of lactose.
6. ISO is the best option for me.
FICTION: Even though all of these features of whey isolate protein are facts (which makes ISO pretty amazing), that does NOT mean that ISO is the best choice for YOU. There are many factors that determine which protein powder is right for you. Factors like food allergies, how your body digests certain products, personal taste and even budget are all to be considered.
Is ISO Right For Me?
It’s easy to see why ISO is a great supplement. The fact that it is low in carbs, sugar and lactose but high in protein content makes this a great addition to many daily routines, especially if lean muscle is your goal.
HOWEVER…due to the extra costs in filtering the isolate, whey isolate is known to be more expensive than regular whey concentrate.
Still can’t decide which protein to try? The best policy is to explore, try different products and research further!
The post Fact or Fiction: The Scoop on ISO Protein appeared first on NutraKey Health Performance.