It’s Just A Number – Why Weight Isn’t The Point
Aug 22, 2018While the fitness culture is ever-evolving toward HEALTH, society is still fixated on APPEARANCE. Gorgeous muscles and tiny waists seem to be the coveted prizes, and hats off if nature did it all for you, right? WRONG!
In a constant sea of diets, methods, plastic surgeries, and opinions, weight seems to be the chosen measurement of success and acceptance.
But the scale is a tool, not a tell all!
1. Debunking Fiction
Shocker: heavier is potentially healthier!!!You’ve heard it many times: “Muscle weighs more than fat.” This is a myth that has been circulated in the fitness world, so let’s clear it up:
Pounds are pounds. The misconception is that muscle is heavier, when in reality, muscle is simply denser and takes up less space than fat. In other words, fat is more voluminous. Let’s say in a 6-pack of abs, each piece of the “pack” weighs a pound. You’d have six pounds worth of strong, lean muscle in a space where two flabby pounds of fat would otherwise fit!
A number should NOT be your goal – fitness should be! Whatever the number, so be it.
2. Hidden Dangers
“Skinny fat” is a trending term that’s been thrown around for years, and for good reason – it’s a real thing! If you have lightning speed metabolism and a tight waistline, but never work out – and you think you’re healthy…THINK AGAIN.
Mistaking thinness for health is often a detrimental judgment.
Subcutaneous fat is very visible (think beer belly), while visceral fat is hidden out of sight, lining the space between the abdominal organs and wreaking havoc. When it goes unnoticed, it’s assumed that a person is thin or “in great shape”, when really, it comes with a host of issues. Consequences include heart complications, diabetes, breast cancer in women, and the list goes on.
Any amount of visceral fat is harmful, whether you weigh 110 or 210, and can be banished through correct nutrition and exercise!
3. It's The Behavior That Counts
Studies show that short term dieting for the sake of weight loss usually leads back to weight regain.
Some life sustaining habits that keep you in truly great shape are:
• Appropriate consumption, good carbs, healthy fats and proteins
• Hydration. Enough said.
• Total body exercise INCLUDING CARDIO, that supports your fitness goals
• Sufficient restorative sleep
• Balanced hormones
Utilize calories to your advantage by:
• Creating a calorie deficit to drop pounds and sculpt lean muscle
• Upping your intake significantly to build mass
As every body is like a fingerprint, your eating habits and workout regimens should be tailored for your personal, individualized form of health (insert link to blog “One in a Million”). When these are maintained, your weight will follow accordingly.
Now that we’ve determined the scale does lie, the question shouldn’t be “Have I hit that magic number?” Instead, ask yourself “Am I healthy and strong?” If the answer is yes, THAT is success!
The post It’s Just A Number – Why Weight Isn’t The Point appeared first on NutraKey Health Performance.