Natural Remedies To Fight Depression
Aug 22, 2018Sometimes feeling down and depressed is an emotion we can’t escape. Loosing motivation, wanting to stay in bed all day and that lingering cloud looming over our heads can be frustrating to deal with. The key to depression is learning how to combat it in our daily lives. I once read a quote;
“It is only a thought and a thought can be changed.”-Louise Hay
Everyone deserves to be happy, and possible lifestyle changes could help control any upsetting mood. Here are a few ways you can help boost your mood naturally!
Here are three holistic ways to fight depression!
1. Think Happy Thoughts
Researchers at the University of California, Riverside and Duke University Medical Centre have proposed this new treatment approach called Positive Activity Interventions. These are intentional activities such as practicing optimism, performing acts of kindness and counting ones blessings. The philosophy is based on extended research on how happy and unhappy people are. ( Source )
1. Improves mood symptoms
2. Holds little to no stigma
3. Carries no side effects
What You Can Do At Home:
If you enjoy Pinterest as much as me, create a board of positive quotes, thoughts, and lyrics. Print a few of them out and place them around your bathroom mirror. Saying these positive words could improve your thought pattern and improve your mood.
2. Keeping a Healthy Diet
I’m sure you’ve heard it a million times, keeping an active lifestyle and eating clean will help your overall wellbeing. There is a reason why its said so much and thats because it works! What you put into your body can effect how you feel throughout the day. It’s important to have a well balanced diet with the cleanest foods you can eat (organic vegetables, fruits and proteins). Working out can improve your mood as well. Going for a stroll in the sun not only gives your body the vitamin D it needs, but it can possibly take you out of a funk! Yoga is also a great exercise for your body physically and mentally. Check out our previous blog post explaining on how to detox your body with yoga ( Source )
1. Improves symptoms of depression
2. Renewed state of health
3. Increase in energy and vitality
What You Can Do At Home:
The tool I use to help keep up my healthy lifestyle is research. I look up certain foods and recipes so I can build a weekly meal plan. Its important to stock up my house with the cleanest foods possible so I don’t break out into a bad habit… (sugar will always be my weakness). When it comes to exercise I love looking up YouTube videos or running outside. The gym can be a little monotonous for me. Having a workout buddy is also beneficial because you can keep each other on track!
3. Supplement Pick Me Up
Natural remedies for depression are the focus of ongoing research. There have been studies on numerous herbs, supplements, and vitamins to determine if they can benefit people with depression. Here are a few supplements that have been studied. ( Source )
Supplement Benefits:
1. 5-HTP: Helps raise serotonin levels which can help was depression.
2. St. Johns Wart: An herb used to treat a variety of health conditions.
3. Omega-3: Heart health benefits, may relieve the signs and symptoms of depression.
What You Can Do At Home:
It’s important to do research on the supplements that are known to help fight depression. Consulting with your doctor about this alternative method and doing research are great ways to find supplements that will work with you.
For more holistic ways to treat depression check out these links below!
• Depressed? 12 Mental Tricks to Turn it Around
• Online Guide to Alternative Treatments for Depression
• Exercise and How it Helps Fight Depression
The post Natural Remedies To Fight Depression appeared first on NutraKey Health Performance.