Out With the Old!
Aug 22, 2018Calling all beachgoers! Cold fronts are on their way out, and thankfully so are the sweatpants. Any week now water-side parties will commence and it’ll be time to show off that physique once again.
Shed winter weight and claim your bathing suit body STARTING NOW!
Setting aside those winter comfort habits is the first step toward detoxing, deflating and regaining your energy. So put down the Valentine’s candy!
Boost your water intake and say no to easy bad choices like bread and butter, excess sodium, sugary drinks (even sugar in coffee!) in order to clear out your gut and banish cyclical cravings.
You know your body needs material to work with. While nixing the flagrant foul ingredients in your diet is great, you must have enough protein for your cleansing and exercising efforts to take hold. Otherwise you’ll be hungry and result-less!
If you’ve been lax about your protein routine, there’s no better motivation than thinking how your abs could look poolside in a couple months if you start again NOW.
We suggest V Pro, our raw plant protein powder. Consume this before, during and after workouts for energy, responsive sculpting and recovery! It’s a wonderful on-the-go alternative to ensure you’re well fed at all times, whether losing weight, toning, or building!
Weights aren’t going to cut it. Your heart needs to get involved. Where cardio is present, calories die! Cardio will help burn away that flab from winter hibernation to reveal your hard-earned muscles (that we know are there somewhere!)
KEEP IT CHALLENGING and consume enough calories to burn away. And BTW, if you’re serious about getting cut, you should FEEL THE BURN of your workout!
Unfortunately, you can’t target fat in a certain area. If you have a beer belly, doing nothing but sit ups won’t help. Your entire body has to toughen up for the cause of a leaner stomach. This means arms, back and legs all need a turn for shared success.
The KEY: Know your goal. Ladies! If your aim is to slim down and look toned in your bikini, then opt for metabolic workouts in order to sync and lean out your entire body and blast calories from top to bottom. Gents! If your goal is Grecian thighs, Roman abs and titan arms, you’ll need to layer metabolic and isolated circuits together. Again, you CANNOT target a beer belly, but you CAN intentionally beef up your best assets!
The good news is, you don’t have to commit two hours to the gym 7 days a week for results (although we like this option!) If you’re not quite ready for that gym commitment or if it’s not quite in the budget yet, don’t let that be an excuse! You can do massively effective HIIT circuits with little to no equipment right in your living room!
Excuse-less? GOOD!
Go ahead, break out the sunscreen.
The post Out With the Old! appeared first on NutraKey Health Performance.